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How Much Does It Cost to Own a Newfoundland Dog? 2024 Price Guide

Written by: Eleanor Glaum

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

newfoundland dog

How Much Does It Cost to Own a Newfoundland Dog? 2024 Price Guide

There’s no doubt that owning a Newfoundland dog is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. The gigantic canines are kind, loving, devoted, and intelligent. They enjoy people and are particularly fond of children. Although they love all kinds of people, they may not be suited to all types of homes.

They are enormous dogs that take up plenty of space, have voracious appetites, need a home with a yard, and have to receive plenty of exercise. Secondly, they slobber a lot! Newfies, as they are affectionately known, have a devoted following. People who love them tend to do so forever, and for those owners, their size and big, drooling mouths endear them so.

After the initial setup cost, you can expect to pay between $295–$885 per month for the care of a Newfoundland. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how much it could cost you to include one of these gentle giants in your family.


Bringing Home a New Newfoundland Dog: One-Time Costs

Whenever a new fur child is brought home, there are some significant once-off costs, including the purchase price of your precious new bundle. You don’t want to be unprepared for their arrival, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’ve covered all the bases and have everything you need for them.

If you already have dogs in the home, or if your new Newfie is replacing a previously beloved pet, you may be able to cut some corners with set-up costs. You may already have food bowls, nail clippers, toys, and bedding. But you don’t want to cut too many corners. Wherever possible, try to accommodate your new giant specifically.


Although not very likely, you may be fortunate enough to learn of a Newfie looking for a loving new home for free. There are many reasons that animals can no longer be kept by their former owners; most of them are sincere and sad. These situations are best learned of via word-of-mouth.

You may see a Newfoundland advertised as free on social media. These ads are often genuine, but be aware of sinister intentions, such as stolen dogs, sick dogs, or ones with irresolvable behavioral issues.

Brown and white Newfoundland puppy’s first snow fall
Image By: Tabby Wray, Shutterstock


  • $300–$400

Because of their size and the considerable costs of feeding a Newfie, they are surrendered occasionally when their owners realize they have bitten off more than they can chew. Newfoundlands that are up for adoption are no less gorgeous and charming than those for sale by breeders.

The adoption fee covers the cost of caring for the dog before adoption and any veterinary care or sterilization it may need. Puppies are sometimes more expensive to adopt than adult dogs, and the adoption fee will depend on the organization or region.


  • $600–$3,000

The average price tag for a Newfie from a breeder is approximately $1,200. Dogs with exceptional bloodlines are at the higher end of the price scale. Whenever you purchase from a breeder, ensure they are reputable and ethical. The price tag for your new dog should include, at the very least, a health certificate from the pup’s veterinarian, vaccinations, and deworming.

Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $520–$1,600

Aside from the cost of purchasing the new addition to the family, you must set aside some money to set them up comfortably at home. Most of the items in the table below are 100% necessary, but you will see a vast price range for some of them. It’s not always essential to buy the best, most expensive supplies. There are many quality items available at very reasonable prices.

List of Newfoundland Dog Care Supplies and Costs

Brown Newfoundland dog in the park
Image By: B.Stefanov, Shutterstock
ID Tag and Collar$15–$50
Dog Licence (sterilized dog)$8.50–$30
Tooth Brush Kit$10–$30
Initial Vet Visit (including shots)$150–$200
Nail Clipper$8–$20
Crate (optional)$80–$300
Food and Water Bowls$10–$40
Poop scoop and poop bag$25–$100


How Much Does a Newfoundland Dog Cost Per Month?

  • $295–$885 per month

As you may imagine, the gargantuan Newfoundland eats more than your average dog, so the food bill will be proportionately sizable. The amount you spend on food each month, although significant, will be one of many monthly expenses that you need to budget for.

Health Care

  • $50 – $250 per month

It isn’t easy to put a monthly value on health care for your Newfoundland. There are so many variables. If they are young and healthy, you may have months or even years where you need no veterinary treatment other than the occasional health check-up. However, as they get older, they may develop certain age-related conditions.

Additionally, like many purebred dogs, they are prone to certain genetic diseases that could develop early on or not at all.

Unfortunately, accidents and illness happen without warning, so it’s not a bad idea to set aside a sum each month to plan for this chance eventuality, as well as towards their annual check-up. You must also set aside an amount for regular tick and flea treatments and deworming.

Newfoundland dog chewing on a treat
Image Credit: Marsan, Shutterstock


  • $100–$130 per month

It may be about quantity when it comes to your Newfie’s nutritional needs, but you shouldn’t neglect the quality of his grub either. Your dog’s monthly food bill will probably constitute a large proportion of his monthly costs.

Remember that Newfoundlands are prone to obesity, so don’t overfeed him, even if he looks at you with those adorable, big, brown eyes pleading for more.


  • $15–$150 per month

As you can see, the projected monthly costs for grooming vary greatly. This is because you may choose to take charge of your Newfie’s grooming needs yourself, or you might secure the monthly services of a professional dog groomer. Alternatively, you might do a bit of both.

Even if you rely on a dog groomer for the bulk of your Newfie’s grooming needs, you will do a fair amount of brushing yourself. These giant dogs are renowned for their thick, double-layered coats, and they shed a great deal. As well as brushing several times a week, they must be bathed every couple of months.

You will also need the appropriate equipment and products to clip their nails and clean their teeth with regular brushing.

newfoundland dog grooming
Image Credit: Dawn Kibble, Shutterstock

Medications and Vet Visits

  • $25 – $120 per month

Once again, it’s tricky to try and predict how much you might expect to spend on monthly medication and vet visits for your Newfie. For a young, healthy, sterilized dog, you will only have to cover vet check-ups once or twice a year. You could put a monthly sum away each month towards this to try and soften the blow when the time arrives.

However, as your Newfoundland gets a bit older, he may require more regular veterinary attention and routine medication. The same applies should your Newfie develop any genetic diseases to which they are predisposed.

Pet Insurance

  • $49–$135 per month

Taking out pet insurance for your Newfie is a good idea. As well as being predisposed to several genetic conditions, big dogs are often more susceptible to developing joint and muscle issues as they approach middle and old age.

Your monthly insurance premiums will be dependent on your Newfie’s age as well as your geographical location. You can also lower premiums with customized plans by adjusting your deductible and reimbursement rate or removing specific features. If you decide to take out pet insurance, choose a plan that covers the abovementioned likelihoods.

woman holding newfoundland dog
Image Credit: UncleFedor, Shutterstock

Environment Maintenance

  • $45–$50 per month

When these big dogs play, they play with big movements and plenty of power! Some Newfie owners (lovingly) confess that their yards have become a mud bath, and they regularly need to replace plants in the flowerbed. If they get a bit goofy indoors, they may unintentionally knock over breakables. You might have to budget a bit each month for their clumsy and playful blunders.

Did we mention that they drool and love to play in the water? Plenty of towels are the solution for all of this excess moisture. You may want to strategically place them around your home for emergency mop-ups.

Sundry garden & maintenance (breakages and replacement plants)$30/month
Poop bags$5/month
Washing of towels, bedding, harnesses, etc.$5/month


  • $10 – $50 per month

Newfoundlands are playful and intelligent. They shouldn’t be left to their own devices for extended periods as they will find ways to entertain themselves that may not meet your approval. Chew toys and interactive games are great for keeping them stimulated and engaged.

Subscription boxes are a great option to add variety and entertainment to your Newfie’s monthly schedule. Some contain a combination of toys and treats.

divider-dog paw

Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Newfoundland Dog

Newfoundland dog apporting toy in water
Image Credit: Sabine Hagedorn, Shutterstock
  • $289–$880 per month

The monthly costs of owning a Newfoundland are not insignificant. Even if you are conservative with the care regime you implement, you’ll still spend a fair amount each month on your Newfoundland. If your beloved dog develops any health issues or is ultra-destructive, it may cost you significantly more. Of course, no sum is too large for our fur children, but it’s good to be aware of the potential costs involved and prepare for them.


Additional Costs to Factor In

Considering their substantial size, a Newfoundland that has not been properly trained and socialized from a young age might become problematic. As they reach their full size, a Newfie with behavioral problems might become destructive, anxious, or even aggressive. You may be experienced in puppy obedience training and can dedicate your own time and expertise to this quest, in which case the cost to do this would be negligible.

If you aren’t, it’s an excellent idea to invest in a course of puppy obedience classes. These typically run in the region of $50 per hour or range from $200 to $600 per week, depending on the type and intensity of the training.

Have you considered who will care for your beloved Newfie when you go on vacation? You’ll need a good pet sitter or boarding kennel if you don’t have a trusted friend or family member who can step in and look after your fur baby while you’re away. It’s a good idea to scout around in advance so that you’re prepared. Remember to book ahead of time since the best dog sitters are in demand.

Pet sitters charge approximately $25 per day, $60 per night, or $320 per week. Boarding kennels run from $30 to $50 per night. You will need to decide which option best suits your dog and your budget.

Owning a Newfoundland Dog on a Budget

Newfoundland dog breed outdoors
Image Credit: Liliya Kulianionak, Shutterstock

We have to be honest. If you are a pet owner on a budget, a Newfoundland might not be the best choice of dog. Having said that, when you love a dog, there’s nothing much you can do to change that, and there’s usually a way to make it work!

You can buy dog food in bulk and use coupons to save a few dollars, and if your dog destroys his toys quickly, you can sign up for a subscription box that delivers toys for heavy chewers.

Saving Money on Newfoundland Dog Care

You could have decided that a Newfie is the dog for you and nothing else will do, but you don’t have the deepest pockets. Luckily, there are ways to save money while still providing your pup with the highest level of care. The first thing you want to do is make sure that you keep your big dog in the best physical, emotional, and mental condition possible. Do this with regular exercise, plenty of stimulation through interaction and games, and a good quality diet, amongst other things.

You can also take care of all of his grooming needs yourself. This is quite an undertaking but will save you money. Pet insurance is optional as long as you are aware of the potential disadvantages of not having it. You can also look around for vets and clinics that provide services at cheaper rates for pet owners on a budget.



Newfoundlands are not the cheapest doggies to own. Unless you are fortunate enough to be gifted or locate one to adopt, they are fairly pricey. There are significant costs involved in their monthly upkeep too. However, they have to rank among the most rewarding dogs to have in the family. Their calm, intelligent, and kind dispositions make them wonderful companions, and their size means that intruders will keep their distance.

If you’re in a financial position to afford a Newfie, the decision is easy to make. Even if you’re on a tight budget, there are ways and means to include one of these gentle giants in your life.

Featured Image Credit: YAN WEN, Shutterstock

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