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National Make a Dog’s Day 2024: When It Is & How to Celebrate

Written by: Adam Mann

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

I love my fluffy dog. Beautiful young woman feeling

National Make a Dog’s Day 2024: When It Is & How to Celebrate

National Make a Dog’s Day is on October 22nd each year, and it’s all about finding a way to put a smile on a pup’s face. They do so much to make us happy throughout the year, so National Make a Dog’s Day is all about finding a way to give a little back to them.

There are tons of different ways you can celebrate National Make a Dog’s Day, so keep reading, and we’ll give you some great ideas to inspire you to celebrate the day this October 22nd!

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The 6 Ideas to Celebrate National Make a Dog’s Day

If you’re looking to celebrate National Make a Dog’s Day on October 22nd this year, there are a few different ways you can do it. Below, we’ve highlighted six different ways you can celebrate National Make a Dog’s Day.

white shih tzu dog playing and running outside in the green grass
Image Credit: Jayne Klein, Shutterstock

1. Adopt a Dog

While there’s no better way to make a dog’s day than to adopt them from a shelter. However, you need to be fully aware of the big time and financial commitment this will take. The last thing you want is to adopt a dog only to take them back to a shelter down the road because you’re not ready to care for them.

Dogs live for years and cost quite a bit of money, so if you’re looking to adopt a dog for National Make a Dog’s Day, do yourself a favor and do all your homework before heading out to get one.

2. Volunteer at a Shelter

One of the most responsible ways to celebrate National Make a Dog’s Day is to help out at a local shelter. You can volunteer your time at the shelter, or you can donate supplies they might need.

Whether you plan to donate time, money, or supplies, do yourself a favor and call the shelter ahead of time so they can let you know what they need before you arrive.

woman giving treat to her goldendoodle dog in the nature
Image Credit: EB Adventure Photography, Shutterstock

3. Visit a Dog Park

What pup doesn’t love a trip to the dog park? If your dog is like ours, they can’t get enough of the open spaces to run around and check the other dogs out. There’s no better way to make your pooch happy than to take them out for a special trip that’s all about them.

Just ensure you check the local weather before taking them out since they won’t enjoy their trip nearly as much if there’s terrible weather.

4. Make Them Special Treats

Dogs love treats, and if you make them something special, it’s sure to cheer them up. In fact, you don’t even have to make it yourself. If you pick up some special treats from the store to give them on National Make Your Dog’s Day, they’re sure to enjoy that just as much!

giving treat to a dog lying on the pet bed
Image Credit: Tanya Dol, Shutterstock

5. Go for an Extra Walk

Your pet loves spending time outside with you, and while you likely walk them a bit each day, for National Make Your Dog’s day, an extra walk should do the trick! If your dog is up for it, you can take them for an extra lap around the block. It’s all about finding a way to make your pet happy, and what makes them happier than a walk?

6. Spend Some Time With Them!

Nothing makes a dog quite as happy as their human wanting to spend time with them. It’s the best, easiest, and cheapest way to celebrate the day, and it might just be your dog’s favorite!

Depending on the weather, you can take them out for a game of fetch, or you can just curl up next to them on the couch for the day. No matter what, your dog is sure to enjoy the extra attention you give them throughout the day.

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Final Thoughts

National Make a Dog’s Day is just what it sounds like, and the good news is that making a dog’s day is pretty easy to do. You can go all out and donate to shelters or adopt a pup, or you can save your money and celebrate by simply spending some time with a dog.

Dogs love the attention, and spending a day focusing on making them happy is rewarding for them and us!

See also:

Featured Image Credit: antoniodiaz, Shutterstock

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