Top 11 Most Aggressive Cat Breeds (With Pictures)

aggressive cat in tree

Although cats can be extremely cuddly and cute, some breeds tend to have a slightly feistier side. Some owners find this independent and sassy side adorable, but many find it too much. Feline aggression is one of the most common problems in domesticated cats, and many people do not know how to handle it.

These cat breeds are also known to nip and bite, and there are many reasons for this behavior. Examples could be having a short temper, being overexcited, afraid, wanting extra attention, or sensitive to human touch.

This list will help uncover what the most aggressive cat breeds are, and which ones to avoid if you are not comfortable with having a sassy pet. Or, if you’re looking for a feisty feline full of attitude, one of these kitties could be your sassy soulmate.


The 11 Most Aggressive Cat Breeds

1. Siamese

Image Credit: Pixabay

Siamese cats are known for being one of the most aggressive and territorial out of them all. If you own other pets, it is crucial to understand that Siamese cats are very jealous and will take a long time to get used to them. Siamese cats are very needy, so if they feel like they are not receiving enough attention from their owners, they will potentially lash out.

2. Sphynx

sphynx cat relaxing on sofa at home
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

Sphynxes are hyperactive cats that need plenty of playtime, and they are also incredibly intelligent. This means that they are capable of learning tricks, with some owners saying that they have successfully taught their Sphynx to play fetch. However, high intelligence, coupled with low stimulation, could result in a Sphynx that lashes out of boredom. Constant entertainment is necessary to avoid aggressive tendencies.

3. Bombay Cat

bombay cat lies on coastal rock
Image Credit: Galina-Photo, Shutterstock

As the Bombay breed is a hybrid mix, they have numerous strong behavior traits. They are known to be both fearless and aggressive and have a litter box aversion. They have sturdy and small-to-medium bodies, which means that they can be surprisingly forceful for their size during playfights. Much like the Siamese and Sphynx cat, the Bombay requires a significant amount of attention, which, when not met, can come out in aggressive tendencies.

4. Bengal

Bengal Cat
Image Credit: Pixabay

Their beautiful coat is a constant reminder that they are wild in nature, and this is because they are a mix of leopard and housecat. You will have to ensure that they are fourth-generation Bengal cats to be sure that they are properly domesticated. They can develop behavioral issues like territorial spraying or extreme play aggression if their basic needs are not met. They have more needs than other cats, including a lot of exercise. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance lap cat, the Bengal cat is not the one for you.

5. Scottish Fold

scottish fold cat sitting on kitchen counter
Image Credit: LightField Studios, Shutterstock

These cats are known to be very friendly, making them great with children and big families. They are also known to work well with cat-friendly dogs once they have had time to adjust. Scottish Folds are another vocal breed, but their meows and purrs are on the softer side. Although they are not as outwardly aggressive, they do have a feisty side if left on their own too much. On a day-to-day basis, they require significant attention, so if you’re likely to be out of the house a lot, this is not the cat for you.

6. Pixie Bob

Pixie Bob Cat
Image Credit: PxHere

A highly sociable and confident breed, the Pixie Bob is known to be very vocal – although not for their meows. They are likely to growl and chirp at their owners, and even more so at strangers. They have a signature short tail, which shows their strong resemblance to the wild bobcats. Being closely related to bobcats, they are a large breed who are very strong. If they are playfighting, they will throw their full weight around, which can put people off of this wonderful breed.

7. Egyptian Mau

Two cute Egyptian Mau cats
Image credit: Sarah Fields Photography, Shutterstock

Egyptian Mau are gorgeous and glamourous cats. Generally speaking, these cats are even-tempered, intelligent, and obedient.  If you prefer the loyalty of a dog but are more of a cat person, this could be the one for you. They have a dog-like personality, in that they are affectionate, friendly, and trainable. But having high intelligence means that they tend to lash out when they are bored.

8. American Wirehair

American Wirehair
Image Credit: Fernando Calmon, Shutterstock

Owning an American Wirehair is the perfect compromise of an affectionate cat, without being too needy, and very active without being annoyingly hyper. These cats are good at entertaining themselves, but if left alone for too long, they will destroy your furniture through boredom. Being natural born hunters, they will love to bring you their daily animal catches.

9. Korat

Korat Cat
Image: Pickpik

A rare breed, they are expensive to buy and likely to have genetic diseases unless adequately bred. If you have bought the Korat from a trustworthy breeder, you are in for a treat. They crave constant human attention and love interactive play. This is another breed that is not the most vocal, but you’ll know if they are annoyed by their facial expressions and interactions. These cats are likely to take a swipe at you if they feel like they do not have your full attention.

10. Singapura

Image Credit: jojosmb, Shutterstock

One of the smallest cats on this list, the Singapura wouldn’t cause harm by throwing their full weight at their owner. Instead, they explore and climb all over you and anything they can get their paws on. So expect plenty of pawing and scratching. They are an incredibly vocal breed, so if they are bored in the house, you’ll likely hear about it before you can see it. Most cat breeds tend to lose their hyperactive playfulness as they leave childhood, but not the Singapura.

11. Cymric

Cymric Cat
Image Credit: PxHere

A medium-sized muscly breed, the Cymric has a robust bone and muscular structure. Although this breed lacks a tail, it has a powerful and robust back end, resulting in being an excellent jumper. Their natural strength, combined with hyperactivity and curious nature, means that some owners find the Cymric too much to handle.

divider-catConclusion: Aggressive Cats

All of the breeds on this list are more intense than your average cat breed, which may put many people off of having them as a pet. These cat breeds would not necessarily be ideal for first-time owners. But, if you can dedicate many hours to these felines, train them well, and keep them entertained, the benefits are rewarding. Especially if you like a cat challenge!

For more on cats, check out these posts:

submit a pet pk cat

Feature Image Credit: Pikist


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