How to Shave a Cat Properly (With Video)

Cat in grooming salon

Does your cat shed a lot? Are you thinking about shaving your cat’s fur for the summer months, but unsure how to go about doing so? In this article, we will discuss the step-by-step process of properly shaving your cat’s fur. You can also refer to this video for a visual guide to shearing your kitty’s fur.


Reasons to Shave Your Cat

Shaving your cat’s fur is not an easy task. After all, cats tend to squirm a lot and usually don’t enjoy being groomed in this way. So, why do some pet owners shave their cat’s fur?

As stated, some cat owners prefer to shave their cats during the summer, when they shed their fur most. This is especially true of long-haired cats but can also be true for short-hairs. Shaving helps dramatically reduce the amount of cat hair in your home.

Some cats can develop severe matting, which may require them to be shaved. If you have an indoor short-haired cat, you probably don’t need to worry about matting, but outdoor cats and long-haired cats are more likely to develop mats in their fur. Sometimes you can work through mats with your fingers, but this isn’t always possible.

If you’re thinking about shaving your cat’s fur, you may want to first consider taking your cat to a professional groomer. Cats have very sensitive skin that can be easily cut during the shaving process, so some cat owners may opt for having a professional take care of their kitty’s fur. However, finding a cat groomer isn’t always easy. If there aren’t any cat groomers nearby, it may be necessary for you to do it yourself, or perhaps you want the financial benefit of a DIY grooming job.

Groomer cuts and shaves a cat
Image Credit: Vera Larina, Shutterstock


Supplies for Shaving Your Cat

You don’t need much to shave your cat at home, but there are a few essentials you should make sure to secure before you attempt to trim your kitty. First, of course, you need to make sure to purchase the appropriate clippers for your cat. You can purchase a cat clipper or trimmer from your local pet store, or online stores such as Chewy or Amazon. Look for trimmers specifically made for animals and use a #10 blade. It’s also a good idea to have a brush on hand to make sure your cat’s fur is clean before you get started.

Next, you need to make sure you secure your cat so that it can’t run off in the middle of being trimmed. You can get a friend to help you hold your cat while you trim, or you can hold your cat by the scruff to exert better control over it. You could also use a rope or a leash to strap your cat to the table you are using to shave your cat. Finally, you may also want to purchase some rubber gloves to prevent scratching in the event that your cat tries to get away from you.

electronic shaver
Image Credit: TLSPAMG, Pixabay


The 6 Tips for Shaving a Cat Properly

1. Brush your cat’s coat.

Use your brush to groom your cat’s fur before you get started to make sure your cat’s coat is clean before you start shaving. You can also use a brush or comb to help work through any knots before you start, which will make it easier for you to work through the fur with the clipper.

2. Consider what style you will use.

There are multiple different hairstyles you can choose from when grooming your cat; make sure you know what style you’re aiming for before you begin. One popular cut for grooming cats that also helps reduce shedding and hairballs is the lion cut.

Turkish angora cat after haircut at the veterinary clinic
Image Credit: Todorean-Gabriel, Shutterstock

3. Ensure that your cat is calm.

You don’t want to groom a cat that’s squirming, as there is a much bigger risk that you will accidentally nick it with your clippers. If your cat can’t seem to calm down, you could try a natural pheromone spray.

4. Shave your cat’s fur by pulling the skin taut and always going with the hair growth.

Do not cut against the grain, as there is a greater chance you will snag the trimmer.

5. Give your cat a break when needed.

As you know, cats can get restless. Your clipper can also get hot, which can be uncomfortable on your cat’s sensitive skin. Take a break if it seems like your cat is starting to get squirmy.

6. Avoid sensitive areas.

Avoid shaving your cat’s ankles, paws, genitals, or face, which are much more sensitive than other parts of its body.



It can take some time to get the hang of shaving your cat but learning how to do it yourself can save you some money on a groomer and avoid having to deal with cat hair all over your home.

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Featured Image Credit: Studio Peace, Shutterstock


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