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How Much Do Dog Breeders Make? (2024 Salary Overview)

Written by: Ed Malaker

Last Updated on June 27, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog breeder with puppies

How Much Do Dog Breeders Make? (2024 Salary Overview)

Becoming a dog breeder can be a great career choice for anyone who loves dogs and enjoys helping people receive their dream pets. The average dog breeder makes $500 per month, though experienced breeders can make significantly more. Keep reading as we explain what factors affect how much a dog breeder makes and what you can do to improve your salary as a dog breeder.

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How Much Can I Make as a Dog Breeder?

The amount of money that a dog breeder makes can vary significantly. For example, the type of dog that you are breeding will affect your profits, as will the current demand for that breed. Your overhead costs and experience level will also affect your income, as people are more willing to pay an experienced breeder who is more likely to produce healthy puppies.

Australian cattle dog sold by breeder to new owner
Image by: kukurund, Shutterstock

What Costs Should I Expect to Incur When Breeding Dogs?

Expenses that you can expect to incur when breeding dogs include the cost of your original stock. A breeding dog will often be more expensive than one you can purchase as a pet. Additionally, you will need housing and food for the dogs, and you will need to pay veterinarian costs for check-ups, vaccines, and any health problems that the dogs may have. You can also expect to pay for marketing and advertising to let people know about your business. Many breeders use a website to keep track of and contact customers, as well as show off their dogs.

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What Other Factors Can Affect My Income?

Number of Puppies

The number of puppies that your breeding stock produces each year will be one of the biggest factors affecting how much money you can make. For example, if your female only has one litter per year, you will make less than if you have a dog that has two to three litters per year. However, having more than four litters in a lifetime can harm the dog.

Papillon puppies
Image Credit: Malivan_luliia, Shutterstock

Puppy Price

Breeding a popular dog breed, like the German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, or French Bulldog, will produce puppies that people want to buy, which means you can charge a high price. However, if you have a litter of puppies that few people want, you will likely be willing to sell them for much less.

Dog Breed

The kind of dog that you breed will significantly impact the number of puppies and their price. More popular puppies will fetch more and certain breeds have larger litters. For instance, the French Bulldog averages only three puppies per litter, while the German Shorthaired Pointer averages nine. Other dog breeds that have large average litter sizes include the Labrador, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Poodle, and Rottweiler.

rottweiler dog sitting on the grass outdoors
Image Credit: KevinSeibel, Unsplash

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What Difficulties Does a Dog Breeder Face?


Raising breeding dogs will take up a significant amount of your time. You will need to provide them with regular care, which includes feeding, walking, and grooming them. If you are breeding several dogs, you will need to spend even more time caring for them, and you will also need to find and vet potential buyers and manage your business.

Legal Permits

When starting a dog breeding business, you will need to comply with all your local laws. You will likely need a breeding license and be required to adhere to breeding standards. You will also likely need to register your business with the American Kennel Club to avoid fines and penalties. Contacting your local authorities and the Small Business Administration is the best way to ensure that your business meets all legal requirements.

sales agent talking to client
Image Credit: EyeFound, Shutterstock

Other Ways That Dog Breeders Can Make Money

Dog Shows

One of the most popular ways that a dog breeder can make money is by entering their prized breeding stock into dog shows. Money won in these events will increase your yearly income and will help show potential buyers that you can produce prize-winning dogs.

Stud Services

Renting out your male dogs to other breeders for stud services is one of the best ways to make extra money as a breeder. It doesn’t require much work and can be quite lucrative, especially if you have a popular dog breed.

Labrador dog feeding her puppies at home
Image Credit: 5 second studio, Shutterstock

Miscellaneous Services

Many dog breeders find that they can bring in more money by offering services like dog training and grooming. New breeders might also seek you out to learn from you.

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Breeders average about $500 per month, but that amount can vary significantly depending on your experience and chosen breed. Popular dogs, like the Labrador Retriever, are in high demand, and their puppies can fetch a high price. The number of puppies that a dog has will also affect your total income, as choosing a breed that produces more puppies will help increase your profits. When you don’t have any puppies to sell, you can still bring in money by entering your dogs in dog shows, renting out your male dogs as studs, and offering services like training and grooming.

Featured Image Credit: Iuliia Bondarenko, Shutterstock

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