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Do Coyote Dog Mixes Exist? The Surprising Answer!

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Dogster Team

Half german shepherd half coyote dog with floppy ears looks up eagerly view from above

Do Coyote Dog Mixes Exist? The Surprising Answer!

The coydog is a hybrid of coyote and domestic dog, and its popularity has been growing steadily in recent years. Despite its wolf-like appearance, the coydog is an affectionate and loyal pet that is sure to win over your heart. It’s an intelligent and independent animal that will thrive in a home with experienced pet owners. This hybrid is active, courageous, and often quite vocal. It is naturally inquisitive, which makes it an interesting and entertaining pet. Let’s learn more about the coyote dog mix in this article.Dogster divider_v3_NEW_MAY_24_

What Is a Coydog?

The coydog is the term used to describe a hybrid between a coyote and a dog. Coydogs can be produced by mating a male coyote with a female domestic dog, or by mating a female coyote with a male domestic dog. The domestic dog can be of any breed. The process is called “fusion hybrids” because the two species have fused to create a new organism that is neither coyote nor dog but a new animal altogether.

There are several reports of coydogs in the wild, though they may be hard to find because they live in areas that are not easily accessible to humans. Many reports suggest that these hybrids are so reclusive that they’re not even noticed by the people who study them.

coyote dog portrait on a rock in zoo
Image By: Petr Ganaj, Shutterstock

Origin of the Coydog

While scientists are still a bit uncertain about the exact origins of the coydog, there are several theories about its origin. One theory simply states that humans created the coydog by cross-breeding their pets with coyotes. A second theory suggests that the coydog is a hybrid of the domestic dog and the gray wolf. A third theory points to a coydog’s origins in North America and Asia. The hybrid has been documented in many countries, particularly in Asia, where it’s considered a “rare breed.”

Physical Characteristics of the Coydog

Coydogs come in a variety of colors, including black, gray, silver, fawn, and white. Typically, they can grow up to be about 55-90 pounds. Unsurprisingly, they have a number of physical features that make them look like wolves, including a bushy tail and a large, pointed head. They also have a coyote-like nose (which is more narrow than domestic dogs), pointed ears, and generally a curly tail and round body.

half breed coyote and german shepherd lying on welcome mat horizontal view
Image By: Sally McBeanpod, Shutterstock


Coydogs are social and affectionate animals that are naturally curious and inquisitive. They’re intelligent and easy to train and are usually good with children. These hybrids are generally good with other animals, although they have been known to prey on small dogs. The coydog is a loving and loyal companion that will grow to accept your family and home as its own.

It’s not recommended for households with small children or in apartments. Keep in mind these dogs may not be great for all households. So, it’s crucial to train them starting at an early age and to socialize them with other pets.

Exercising and Training Needs

Coydogs are active and enjoy a good workout, just like other dogs in their weight in size category. Daily walks anywhere between 45 minutes and 1 hour are recommended, or you can break this up into two shorter walks. But overall, coydogs are active dogs that love to explore and need at least 1 hour of exercise each day or else they may become a bit of a nuisance in your home.

A large backyard or a running area in your city is ideal for these active pups. Additionally, coydogs love to play with other animals, so an enclosed area away from cats and small dogs is recommended. Coydogs are intelligent animals that require daily mental stimulation, just like other canines, so puzzles, squeaky chew toys, and games are ideal.

close up of male coyote dog outdoors
Image By: Mircea Costina, Shutterstock

Health Issues

Coydogs are generally healthy and are free of any major health issues. However, a coydog may be susceptible to health issues that are generally found in the particular domestic dog breed that created the coydog. Common health issues in domestic dogs are hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and eye problems, including cataracts and glaucoma.

Coydogs should also get vaccinations to prevent common canine issues and should be neutered or spayed to prevent them from going into heat when they reach puberty, something that can cause them to want to roam away from you (or your home) when they’re outdoors.

Grooming Requirements

Coydogs shed very little and have a waterproof coat that requires little to no grooming, likely due to their coyote lineage. They can be combed once a week to remove loose hairs, but trimming their nails every month is also recommended.

Overall, these pets are low-maintenance and easy to care for. Their coat can be rather dense, so you’ll want to use a good slicker brush and regularly check them for fleas and ticks (in addition to using anti-flea treatments).

coyote dog portrait sleeping on a rock in zoo
Image By: Petr Ganaj, Shutterstock

Living Conditions and Environment

Coydogs are generally active animals that do well in a variety of environments. They’re not recommended for apartment life because they prefer outdoor spaces. They’re a good choice for outdoor environments with large yards. If you have other dogs or pets at your house and you want to slowly introduce them to your coydog, it’s best to do this while the dog is still a puppy and not yet big enough to harm the animal. These dogs can get a bit aggressive if not trying to socialize properly, so it’s best to nip this in the bud while they’re young.

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Is It Legal to Own a Coydog?

Owning this hybrid dog can pose a number of risks. Before purchasing or adopting a hybrid coydog, it is important to verify the legality in your country and locale. A coydog purchase isn’t always the best decision due to the potential for legal and financial issues. That being stated, coydogs can be legally owned, despite their coyote-like behavior, territorial instincts, and potential violence. If you’re a knowledgeable dog owner and have the space and time to keep one, coydogs will be able to adapt to domestic life.

Where to Buy a Coydog?

If you’re looking for a coydog, you may have a difficult time finding one. Remember, coydogs are a hybrid of a coyote and a dog, so they’re not a recognized breed. Therefore, it’s not easy to find a breeder who specializes in coydogs. One option for finding a coydog is to search online for coydog breeders. You may also find classified ads in your local newspaper or on online classifieds websites.

Another option is to check with animal shelters or rescue organizations in your area. They may occasionally have coydogs available for adoption. If you do decide to adopt a coydog, it’s important to be aware that they may have some behaviors that are similar to a wild coyote. So thoroughly research the breed and make sure you are prepared to handle it.

If you are unable to find a coydog, you may also consider adopting a hybrid of a dog and other wild animals. For example, a wolfdog (also known as a wolf-hybrid) is a cross between a domestic dog and a wolf. Many wolf-hybrids are very intelligent and loyal animals, but they do require special care as well. They’re a bit more common, especially in the US.

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Coydogs are fairly intelligent and loyal pets that are active and loving. They are curious, inquisitive, and active, and they make great pets for families with large yards or for those who prefer outdoor spaces. However, these dogs can be prone to aggressive behavior and may not be safe to have around children and other house pets. So, it’s important to only buy these hybrid dogs from a reputable breeder and learn how to properly train and socialize them so they can grow into obedient and friendly dogs.

Featured Image Credit: Sally McBeanpod, Shutterstock

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