Balinese Cat Breed Info: Pictures, Temperament & Traits

balinese cat in the garden

Aristocratic in appearance, the Balinese cat is an athletic and affectionate cat breed. Known as the long-haired Siamese Cat, the Balinese is a medium-sized cat with a long, slender body. This cat is absolutely gorgeous with its triangular face and piercing eyes, not to mention its delightful personality!

Breed Overview


12-13 inches long


7-12 pounds for males, 6-9 pounds for females


15-20 years


Fawn, creamy white, blue, frost, chocolate brown, red

Suitable for:

Families with spacious homes looking for an energetic cat.


Energetic, athletic, vocal and communicative, in tune with emotions

If you’re looking for a cat that is intelligent, vocal, and affectionate, the Balinese may just be the cat breed for you. Here, we discuss this cat breed in depth!

Balinese Cat Characteristics

A high-energy cat needs a lot of physical and mental stimulation to keep healthy and happy, while a low-energy cat needs minimal physical activity, but still needs mental stimulation. When choosing a cat, It’s important to ensure their energy levels match your lifestyle.
Cats that are easy-to-train are more willing and skilled at quickly learning prompts and actions with minimal training. Harder-to-train cats are usually more stubborn or aloof and require a bit more patience and practice.
Certain cat breeds are more prone to various genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every cat in those breeds will have these issues, but they do have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Due to their size or potential genetic health issues of a specific breed, some cats have shorter lifespans than others. Proper nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation, and hygiene also play an important role in your cat’s lifespan and quality of life.
Some cat breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other cats and animals. Cats that are more social have a tendency to rub up on strangers for scratches or jump on laps for cuddles, while cats that are less social shy away, hide, are more cautious, and even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed or gender, it’s important to socialize your cat and expose them to many different situations.


Balinese Kittens

balinese kittens
Image Credit: slowmotiongli, Shutterstock

Before you go off and buy your own Balinese Kittens, there are a few things you must consider:

The Balinese Cat is a very energetic cat, meaning, they like to move! Their strong, slender build enables them to jump higher than your average cat. This cat is ideal for a living environment with room for her to move, and she also enjoys high spaces. This cat definitely makes use of her athleticism!

They are a very affectionate breed, and they like to express it! These cats like to quietly sit on your lap and keep you company, but they can also be very expressive so be ready for a cat that enjoys communicating.


Temperament & Intelligence of the Balinese Cat

Much like the Siamese, the Balinese are smart and sociable cats that enjoy interacting with humans. They are very expressive and like to talk to their humans, so they can be quite noisy around the house. Despite their talkative tendencies, they can also share a quiet moment with you by keeping you company while sitting on your lap.

They are also extremely energetic and love to move. Be sure to provide room for your Balinese to move. They often perch themselves on high spaces, so treating your cat by providing a cat tree or high perches can give your cat the space she wants! Because of this, you may find your Balinese perching on your shoulder while you sit, or maybe even while you walk as a way to bond with you.

Balinese cats crave attention. They may be prone to destructive behaviors when they feel neglected or left alone, so be sure to show her ample amounts affection and attention.

Are These Cats Good for Families?

The Balinese cat is a very loving companion. They are perfect for families of varying age groups, from children to elders, and will show affection to everyone. They are also able to read the moods and emotions of their humans, allowing them to cheer you up when you are down or share your joy when you are happy!

As affectionate as they are, families looking to adopt a Balinese have to consider the energetic nature of this breed. Though they can spend some quiet time with you, they are talkative. With a Balinese cat, do not expect to have such a quiet household because these are not quiet cats.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

Balinese cats generally get along with other pets such as cats and dogs, making them a good addition for multi-pet households. They can make good friends with other pets as long as they are respected. Like any other cat, they may be set in their ways and can have react negatively if they feel that other pets are crossing their boundaries. It is recommended that they are still provided with ample attention to avoid jealousy and that new pets are introduced slowly.

While they can make good friends with other cats and dogs, there may be a problem with smaller animals. Cats are predatory in nature, so the Balinese may not get along with smaller animals such as rodents. Though there are cases where they make good friends and learn to live with these animals, there is still a risk of their hunting instincts getting the best of them.

Balinese Cat
Image: PxHere


Things to Know When Owning a Balinese Cat:

The Balinese is a very interesting breed of cat. When owning a Balinese, here are some things to consider.

Food & Diet Requirements

Like all cats, it is important to ensure that you provide your Balinese with a healthy diet. The Balinese have a slender figure, so properly portioned meals should ensure that they do not grow overweight. Balinese cats are picky eaters, so providing a variety of foods is a good idea. They prefer a wet diet such as canned foods but providing kibble as well should keep your cat from getting tired of her food.


Balinese cats are athletic and full of energy, so it doesn’t take much to get them to play! They enjoy playing with their humans and may learn games such as fetch. They also find their own ways to entertain themselves and burn energy, you may often find them jumping and climbing so it is recommended to provide various toys, climbing posts, and scratching posts to keep them entertained.

bainese cat outdoor
Image Credit: Fazlyeva Kamilla, Shutterstock


Balinese cats are very intelligent, training them with how to behave around the house shouldn’t be so difficult as they can easily pick up routines. They are naturally curious, so they can learn a few tricks when properly motivated with various toys and treats as positive reinforcement.

Like all cats, the Balinese cat can be stubborn and may not want to learn a trick if she doesn’t feel like it. So be sure to be familiar with your cat’s mood and motivators!

Grooming ✂️

Balinese cats do not require much maintenance. Unlike most cars, they do not have an undercoat so their furs don’t normally tangle. They have a silky coat with medium length of hair. They do not shed as much as other cats, so light brushing once a week is good to keep the fur healthy and to remove any dirty and debris.

Their teeth must also be properly maintained, dental hygiene is another thing to watch out for as they may be prone to oral and dental complications.

balinese cat grooming
Image Credit: BravissimoS, Shutterstock

Health and Conditions

The Balinese cat is a generally healthy breed but are predisposed to a few health complications. Major issues would include tumors in the lymph nodes, liver problems such amyloidosis, and issues involving the heart, brain, and the respiratory system.

Minor Conditions
  • Cross-eyed
  • Periodontitis
  • Kink tail
Serious Conditions
  • Lymphoma
  • Amyloidosis
  • Asthma
  • Heart diseases
  • Neurologic diseases


Male vs Female

The first notable difference between the male and female is the size and weight. Males are generally a few inches long and a few pounds heavier than the female.

Like the Siamese cats, Females can be more territorial and selective with the humans they bond with. They can also be moodier than the male as well. Males can be more energetic and outgoing than the female but can also be equally lazier.


3 Little-Known Facts About the Balinese Cat

1. The Balinese cat does not come from Indonesia.

Despite the name, the Balinese cats do not actually originate from Indonesia and were simply named as such due to their appearance mimicking the elegance of the Dancers of the Temple of Bali.  As derivatives of the Siamese cats, their roots are also found to be from Thailand.

2. They were spontaneously discovered

In the 1900’s, breeders were beginning to discover long-haired variations in Siamese litters. This characteristic was thought to be a recessive gene as Siamese cats are generally short-haired cats. It was not until the 1940’s after the war that the long-haired Siamese were recognized and promoted as a new breed of cat before eventually obtaining the name Balinese.

balinese cat
Image Credit: SJ Duran, Shuttertock

3. The Balinese has a controversial nickname

The Balinese is a very popular breed and is known as the Long-Haired Siamese due to their history. Some purist Siamese breeders however disliked the nickname due to the difference in characteristics between the Balinese and the Siamese, considering them an entirely different breed.


Final Thoughts

The long-haired Siamese cat is an energetic and loving breed of cat that is perfect for families. Their unique character and affectionate nature are suitable for children, adults, and seniors alike. They enjoy bonding with their humans and love being the center of attention, and they’ll tell you!

If you’re looking for an intelligent cat that is a loving companion and enjoys playing with you, then the Balinese cat may be the cat for you!

See also: 

Featured Image Credit: Fazlyeva Kamilla, Shutterstock


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