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Can Dogs Eat Sesame Oil? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ

Written by: Brooke Billingsley

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Can Dogs Eat Sesame Oil? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ


Dr. Lauren Demos Photo


Dr. Lauren Demos

DVM (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Sesame oil is a flavorful oil that has multiple uses. It’s one of the first crop-based oils that humans developed, but it is one of the more expensive oils due to the inefficiencies surrounding the manual harvesting and processing of sesame seeds to create the oil. Sesame oil is common in Asian dishes, especially fried foods and stir-fries because of its high smoke point, making it ideal for these applications.

Sesame oil is a common oil in many homes, and as more and more people begin to look for ways to provide their dogs with more nutrients via supplementation, the idea of giving sesame oil may have come up. As long as the quantity is small, sesame oil is okay for your dog to consume. Here’s everything you need to know about giving your dog sesame oil.


Can Dogs Eat Sesame Oil?

Yes, sesame oil can be safe for dogs in small quantities.1 Sesame oil is not toxic to dogs, so there shouldn’t be any major concerns if your dog consumes some sesame seeds or licks up a little bit of sesame oil.

Your dog shouldn’t be fed foods that have been cooked in sesame oil since you will have little control over how much oil your dog receives in cooked foods. This is especially important if your dog is being offered food prepared with sesame oil for people because of the risk of toxicity associated with common ingredients in human foods, like onion and garlic.

Sesame oil
Image Credit: K321, Shutterstock

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Is Sesame Oil Healthy for Dogs?

In moderation, sesame oil can be healthy for your dog. Sesame oil is a source of both vitamin K and vitamin E. Vitamin K is necessary to support healthy blood clotting, while vitamin E serves as an antioxidant. Antioxidants can help reduce free radicals, which can be damaging to cells, within the body.

Sesame oil is also a source of unsaturated fatty acids. It’s a good source of linoleic acid, which is an omega-6 fatty acid that is an essential nutrient in the body. It’s also a good source of oleic acid, which is an omega-9 fatty acid that serves a variety of functions in the body, including reducing plaque buildup in the arteries, increasing energy, and enhancing mood.

It helps reduce insulin resistance in people with diabetes, so it’s likely to have the same effect on diabetic dogs.

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Concerns with Feeding Sesame Oil

Although sesame oil does have some benefits, there are also some downsides. Since it is an oil, it is extremely high in calories and fat, so if fed consistently, there is a high likelihood of leading to weight gain and obesity. Acutely, oils can lead to digestive upset, so giving too much sesame oil may lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

As with most oils and oily foods, there is a risk of pancreatitis developing, especially if given in large quantities or over extended periods. Discuss the risks and benefits with your vet before giving your dog sesame oil.

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In Conclusion

While sesame oil may have some health benefits for your dog, there is also a potential for negative effects from feeding sesame oil to your dog, including stomach upset, weight gain, and pancreatitis.

Some dogs may be more likely to develop issues, so it’s important to discuss the potential risks and benefits for your dog specifically before adding sesame oil to your dog’s food.

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